Wild Frontiers

Hans Wolkers

Hans Wolkers
Hans Wolkers is founder of Wild Frontiers, a small company that produces text and images for magazines, companies and knowledge institutes. For a detailed overview of services, see Science Explained.

Travel and nature photography

Hans Wolkers regularly visits the world’s last remaining wild places. His aim: to document the beauty, diversity, and vulnerability of our planet.

Hans has a preference for extreme areas like deserts and the poles, where life seems impossible. “More than once I stood eye to eye with grizzlies in Alaska, polar bears in the Arctic, fur seals on South Georgia and jaguars in South America. Being so close to these magnificent animals with just a can of pepper spray for defence is a humbling experience.”

Wolkers published well over 100 reportages and popular scientific articles about his nature adventures in international magazines, newspapers and websites.

Industrial and science photography

Wolkers can also be found documenting industrial topics or scientific experiments. His subjects vary a lot: high-tech laboratory tests, agricultural settings as well as hard-core industrial equipment and processes.

From a photographic standpoint, Wolkers appreciates an industrial hall or laboratory as much as his beloved wilderness areas. ‘Paradoxally, an unattractive industrial hall hides a wealth of beauty’, he claims. ‘Striking repetitions, filtered light and impressive machinery make industrial processes attractive.’

Powerful images of equipment or scientific experiments give substantial added value to text explaining the process involved.

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